Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Time to use comic to represent emotions!

Hi everyone, I'm back! I hope you all have passed a nice vacation! Today I'm here to show you a new resource -- comic! The comic is a visual resource that engages students a lot, with the kid-friendly language, the comic is much easier to understand than a large amount of text.

The tool that I used for my comic is named Storyboard. It is a very simple and visual website to create your own comic. There are a lot of versions you can create as the material for your lesson, which is more effective for students in a CLIL lesson. The basic plan of Storyboard is free, compare with other tools, there are plenty of templates and characters you can choose for your comic in different scenes. The other strong point I have found out in Storyboard is that you can change the position of your character! Sometimes you may don't want to your character stand up or face someplace, in this way you can change his/her position even the gesture. 

However, there are some disadvantages that I found when I was using this tool. Firstly, as you can find in any free trial which is very limited. You can only make 6 cells each time if you want your comic to be more extended, you have to create another one and combine the two photos into one use other tools. The other limitation of the free plan is you cannot download the comic without a watermark. But once time you download the photo with the watermark, you can find there is a watermark in every cell instead of only one, even it covers your content. Therefore, in this case, I have made a screenshot for each comic and combined it into one picture.  On the other hand, during the making process, I found that every item or element can not be rotated, which is not very convenient when we want the element to be more fittable to the scene. 

Even though there are some disadvantages to this tool, it is recommendable for primary teachers to use when planning your lesson!  Here  I would like to show you a comic which made by myself, you can see it as an example and start your adventure at Storyboard! 

That's all I want to share with you today, thanks for your visiting and hope this tool could be useful for you! See you next time! Creative Commons License
Emotional Comic by Aurora is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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